二零二二年七月二十一日,超过一千五百名法轮功学员汇聚在美国首都国家广场(National Mall)集会,呼吁制止中共对法轮功的迫害。此视频为追查国际主席汪志远先生集会现场发言,曝光中共活摘法轮功学员器官手段:砍断被活摘者四肢肌腱。

全面收集中共的罪证 为大审判做准备
The Comprehensive Collection of Incriminating Evidence
against the CCP in Anticipation of the Grand Trial
追查国际主席 汪志远
Wang, Zhiyuan, Director
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG)
July 20, 2022
1999年7月20日以来,以原中共党魁江泽民为首的中共独裁政权操控整部国家机器,对上亿法轮功修炼者进行群体灭绝性迫害长达23年了,至今还在继续。迫害中,中共一方面施行强制洗脑转化,逼迫法轮功学员放弃对法轮大法的信仰,否则对法轮功学员实施各种酷刑折磨,暴力转化,甚至虐杀, 特别是活摘法轮功学员器官的大屠杀,其邪恶程度是 “这个星球上从未有过的罪恶” ;另一方面,中共以编造谎言进行妖魔化宣传,在全国乃至全世界煽动对法轮功的仇恨。与此同时,用各种手段迫使国际社会对迫害沉默,企图摧毁人类的道德良知,使人类走向毁灭。
Since July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), under the direction of its former head Jiang Zemin, has been manipulating and controlling China’s entire state machine, to carry out genocidal crimes against hundreds of millions of Falun Gong practitioners. And today, 23 years later, the persecution is still ongoing. During the persecution, on the one hand, the CCP has been using forced brainwashing and “transformation” to coerce Falun Gong practitioners to relinquish their faith, while torturing and murdering those who refuse to give in. In particular, one of the CCP’s most heinous crimes is harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners on a massive scale. This is an “unprecedented form of evil on this planet”. On the other hand, the CCP has been fabricating lies to demonize Falun Gong and to poison the minds of the people inside and outside China, inciting their hatred against Falun Dafa. At the same time, the CCP has been forcing the international community with various means, to remain silent regarding the persecution, in an attempt to destroy mankind’s moral conscience, thus leading humanity to its destruction.
This is a devastating persecution against the moral baseline of humanity, and a state genocidal crime led by the CCP! It is an unprecedented crime against humanity! With the greatest indignation from both the divine and mankind, the Heaven’s destruction of the CCP is already underway.
I. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is a continuation of the CCP’s persecution against all Chinese people, and it stems inevitably from the CCP’s evil nature
The CCP is a disciple of the Marxist-Leninist evil cult. It promotes atheism and Darwinism, and it is against heavenly principles and humanity.
Since its inception, the CCP has never stopped persecuting and slaughtering Chinese people, resulting in the death of 80 million Chinese citizens, which is more than the death toll of the two world wars combined.
The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is a continuation of its decades-long persecution of all Chinese people. It is inevitable, given the evil nature of the CCP.
据明慧网报道,截至2022年6月30日,通过民间途径能够传出消息的已有4814名法轮功学员被迫害致死。就在中共病毒全面爆发、国难当头的时候,中共不去尽力救灾,而是持续迫害法轮功学员, 2021年在中国大陆至少已有131名法轮功学员人遭迫害致死,1184人被非法判刑,16,413人遭绑架骚扰。仅在2022年1至5月就有143名法轮功学员被迫害致死,中共在疫情期间仍在制造更多的人间悲剧。
According to Minghui.org, as of June 30, 2022, non-government sources had confirmed the death of at least 4,814 Falun Gong practitioners. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the CCP virus, was in full swing in China, the CCP was not focusing on providing relief to the people, but instead, it continued to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. In 2021, at least 131 Falun Gong practitioners died of persecution, 1,184 were illegally sentenced, and 16,413 were kidnapped and/or harassed by the CCP. From January to May 2022, 143 Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to death, causing more tragedies during the pandemic.
II. There is irrefutable evidence to prove that the CCP has been harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners on a massive scale
追查国际通过十多年坚持不懈的跟踪调查,已获取中共活摘法轮功学员器官的大量罪证和证据线索,铁证如山。1999年以来,中共通过政法委和 “610系统” 操控整个国家机器,在全国范围内用活摘器官做移植的方式,对法轮功学员实施了群体灭绝政策,直到今天还在继续。甚至,有些地区把活摘器官定为重点开发的经济项目,十分猖厥。
Through more than a decade of persistent investigating and tracking, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has obtained a large quantity of incriminating evidence of the CCP’s live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. Since 1999, through the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission and the “610 Office” (the “gestapo-esque” police unit, named after the date of its creation by the CCP on June 10, 1999, is an extra-ministerial security force focused on suppressing the Falun Gong spiritual group), the CCP has been controlling and manipulating the entire state apparatus, to carry out a nationwide genocide of Falun Gong practitioners by live organ harvesting for transplants. And this is still ongoing today. More shockingly, many regions in China have designated live organ harvesting as a key project of their economic development plans, and the crime of live organ harvesting is rampant.
截至2021年6月,追查国际已发表了调查中共活摘器官的录音证据730个。其中,58个是涉及活摘法轮功学员器官的直接证据,包括对5名中共中央政治局常委的电话录音取证,还有:军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、 “610” 、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生的电话录音取证等。
As of June 2021, WOIPFG had published 730 audio recordings of our investigations into the CCP’s live organ harvesting. Among them, 58 are pieces of direct evidence, including investigative phone recordings of five standing committee members of the CCP Politburo, a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, a defense minister, former head of the health division of the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army, officials of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, “610 Office” officials and court officials, and 45 presidents, directors and surgeons from 41 organ transplant hospitals across China, as well as eyewitnesses to live organ harvesting.
Please think about it, the CCP has been using the state apparatus to torture and slaughter an enormous number of innocent people with live organ harvesting across China for over two decades, and this crime still continues to this day. How evil this totalitarian communist regime is!
III. New details of the CCP’s cruel method of live harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners have been exposed
据大纪元东京记者站报导, 2022年6月20日,知情人日本菅原潮在东京出镜接受大纪元采访时,披露了2007年在他北京武警总院,亲眼目睹了被中共活摘器官的法轮功学员。
In an interview with the Epoch Times in Tokyo on June 20, 2022, a Japanese man named Ushio Sugawara revealed that in 2007, he saw a Falun Gong practitioner being held at the Beijing Armed Police General Hospital, and his organs were about to be harvested alive by the CCP.
Sugawara visited an acquaintance at the hospital, who was going to have a liver transplant surgery the next day. A transplant doctor in charge of receiving visitors suggested Sugawara to take a look at the “donor”, who was in the next room, and to see for himself that the hospital was offering a high-quality living donor, and that they were going to perform a live organ harvesting and transplant. Sugawara went next door and saw a young man lying in bed. His hands and feet were all wrapped with bandages. The doctor told him that the donor was a 21-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. “He is very young, and his liver is very healthy,” said the doctor. The tendons in his hands and feet were cut the day before to prevent him from running away and/or struggling, so that his organs would be free of stress and remain in an optimal state (A person tends to curl up when he/she is afraid or in pain, thus affecting organ quality during the extraction).
Evidence previously gathered by WOIPFG from multiple sources proves that the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting has been carried out with extreme cruelty, including extracting organs without administering anesthesia to avoid residual anesthesia affecting the activity of the transplanted organs. And now it is revealed that the CCP would severe the tendons in people’s limbs before their organs are removed alive. These kind-hearted people, who practice “truthfulness, compassion, tolerance”, would watch on as their hearts, livers, kidneys, corneas and other organs are extracted when they are still alive to be sold for exorbitant profits. This is such an evil and horrific crime.
日本知情人还披露,武警总院移植科的医生说: “由于中国人口众多,他们可以准备任意数量的合适器官捐赠者。” 也就是说,他们可任意取器官的活人供体,要多少有多少,中国人多的是,他们可以任意宰杀。这就是中共所谓的公民自愿捐献器官的来源。这也再次左证了之前追查国际发布的中共存在类似纳粹死人集中营式的器官活人供体库的结论。
According to Sugawara, the transplant doctor at the Armed Police General Hospital also told him that with China’s large population, they could prepare any number of suitable donors. He meant that they had as many living humans as “donors” as they wanted, and there were plenty of Chinese people for them to slaughter at will. And this is the real source of the CCP’s so-called voluntarily donated organs. This corroborates with the previous conclusion published by WOIPFG that there exists a Nazi death concentration camp-style organ bank of living humans in China.
四、“活摘”的邪恶国策 已威胁到当今的每一个中国人
- The evil state policy of live organ harvesting has become a threat to every Chinese person
By using the profits made from harvesting organs of living Falun Gong practitioners, the CCP has established an organ transplant industry and created a gory economic chain. Over the past two decades, this “zero investment” business has developed into an enormous industry that is more profitable than the trafficking of narcotics or arms.
What’s terrifying is that this bloody organ trade has already spread throughout China, penetrating cities, towns and villages. The demand for organs by the transplant industry keeps increasing, due to the CCP’s instigation and the exorbitant profits. When the organs of Falun Gong practitioners could no longer satisfy the insatiable greed of those involved in this horrific trade, the dark hands of organ theft reached out to the general public.
例如,2013年山西6岁的小斌斌,失踪2天后被找到时发现孩子的眼球被挖出,眼角膜被盗; 2017年媒体曝光三十多名武汉大学生神秘失踪,无一破案。几年来武汉失踪的青壮年已攀升至数百人,他们都是有名有姓的,但警方不予立案,不作为。
For instance, in 2013, a six-year-old child named Binbin in Shanxi was found two days after his sudden disappearance. However, his eyes had been gouged out and his corneas stolen. In 2017, the media exposed the mysterious disappearance of more than 30 university students in Wuhan, and none of the cases was solved. And within several years, the number of young and middle-aged individuals who disappeared in Wuhan had increased to several hundreds. All of them could be identified by name, but the police would not register their cases or try to find them.
What’s the reason for the police’s inaction? This is because the CCP’s judicial system and officialdom have become completely corrupt. The police and gangsters are closely associated, and the police are often the criminals’ accomplices. In addition, some officials take bribes from gangs and will in turn protect them. Morality in China has suffered a complete collapse under the CCP’s rule. It is the CCP that has cultivated the breeding ground for live organ harvesting.
On July 20, 2021, Zhengzhou, Henan Province was hit by a severe rainstorm and flooding. Many passengers were trapped and perished inside Line 5 subway trains of Zhengzhou Metro. According to a number of netizens’ live videos, the corneas of some of the deceased were removed and stolen at the scene.
For those who do not yet know the true nature of the CCP, you may think that the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners has nothing to do with you. However, in fact, the CCP’s traps and thugs are all around you. And no one in Mainland China is safe.
V. The persecutors of Falun Gong will not escape punishments
Since our establishment on January 20, 2003, WOIPFG has been comprehensively and systematically investigating and collecting evidence of the CCP’s crime of persecution against Falun Gong. And we have established the “WOIPFG’s Investigation List.” We expand and update this list every day, as new information verified by our investigation becomes available.
截至2022年6月28日,因参与迫害法轮功学员,本组织立案追查取证的涉嫌犯罪名单总计:责任单位27,292个,责任人94,067人。其中“610”系统 11,759 人, 政法委系统16,351人;涉嫌参与活摘法轮功学器官的医生9,519 人, 医疗单位891个。
As of June 28, 2022, WOIPFG had investigated and collected evidence on 27,292 organizations and 94,067 individuals. Among them, there are 11,759 individuals from the “610 Office” system, and 16,351 from the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and 891 medical institutions and 9,519 doctors, who are suspected of having committed the crime of live organ harvesting against Falun Gong practitioners.
2004年7月10日,追查国际协调建立了 “全球监视追踪系统” ,分布于110多个国家主要城市的网络系统,监视、追踪定位在中国大陆参与迫害法轮功的中共各级党政官员。与此同时,全球监视追踪系统还负责追踪收集迫害法轮功的主要罪犯,及其在海外的资产和家人逃匿的分布情况,以备用于对罪犯本人和其家人协同罪犯的全方位追查,包括将来的经济赔赏和全面清算,让邪恶无路可逃!
The Global Monitoring and Tracking System established by WOIPFG on July 10, 2004 covers major cities in over 110 countries. It carefully monitors and pursues the CCP and government officials allegedly involved in the persecution of Falun Gong in China. At the same time, the System is responsible for tracing and collecting information on key perpetrators of the persecution, including their overseas assets and family members that have fled China. This is to prepare for future actions targeting the offenders, including asset freezing and reparation, and legal actions against their family members, who were complicit in their crimes. We shall continue to carry out our investigations of the evil perpetrators and leave them with no possibilities to escape!
VI. A great movement to reject and eliminate the CCP around the world has begun!
In Mainland China, close to 400 million people, who don’t fear the CCP’s tyranny, have declared their withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, in order to break with the Party. Outside China, the CCP’s infiltration into and threat to countries around the world have shocked the international community, prompting their counterattacks on the CCP in self-defense.
On June 17, 2019, the “China Tribunal” in London delivered its final verdict, ruling that the CCP had been undoubtedly committing crimes against humanity and the crime of torture for conducting mass live organ harvesting on people, with most of whom being Falun Gong practitioners. The tribunal affirmed that the Chinese government under the CCP’s rule is a criminal regime, and from a legal point of view, the CCP regime was convicted.
In 2019, due to the CCP’s deliberate cover-up, the CCP virus epidemic broke out, spreading from Wuhan to the rest of China. The CCP then deliberately allowed the virus to spread to the entire world, bringing unprecedented catastrophes to mankind. Furthermore, after dragging Hong Kong into the darkest period in its history, the CCP started to forcefully implement the Hong Kong National Security Law, thus accelerating the process of the world’s destruction of the CCP.
The rapid development of the current events indicates that the great worldwide movement to condemn and annihilate the CCP is in the making!
VII. We call on the world to collect the CCP’s criminal evidence to prepare for the upcoming grand trial
The largest-scale final trial in human history is about to take place. This is a grand trial on the CCP’s crime of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.
In order to usher in this upcoming grand trial of great historical significance, we now call on all insiders within and outside China to help gather the names and criminal evidence of the CCP’s persecutors. We hope that all state governments, organizations and individuals from all walks of life will stand on the side of justice at this critical moment in history, to thoroughly hold the CCP accountable for its numerous crimes, and to completely eliminate this evil party from this planet.
中共正在解体,清算就要开始。中共破坏佛法、迫害修佛的信徒,反人性,反天理,人神共愤。因此,对涉案者的追究, 没有追溯时效和地域管辖的种种限制。无论是中共高层决策者,还是底层的具体执者,任何借口托词都不能作为豁免的理由,所有参与者都将面对法律和道义的审判,都要承担个人罪责。
The CCP is disintegrating, and its trial and punishments are about to take place. The CCP has been undermining the Buddha Fa and persecuting the believers who cultivate the Buddha Fa. It is against humanity and the heavenly principles, and it has provoked indignation from both humans and the divine. Therefore, the pursuit of legal actions against the persecutors have no limitation of prosecution or national boundary, as they are within a common jurisdiction of all mankind. No matter whether it is the highest authority of the CCP or the individuals who carry out orders, no one will be exempt from justice. All participants in the persecution will face moral and legal trials and must bear personal responsibility.
As time advances, the almighty is leaving fewer and fewer opportunities for mankind to be saved. The only way out is to break with the CCP, expose its dark secrets, and make contributions to seek atonement for one’s sins and crimes. There is no escape from the long arm of the law. According to the heavenly principles, good and evil will eventually be repaid. It is up to each individual to decide where to go and what to do at his or her own peril.
WOIPFG will continue to investigate, as always, the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and wide we have to search, to completion; to exercise the fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society. This is our promise to the divine, and we will never give up.
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
电话:347-448-5790; 传真:347-402-1444;
邮址:P.O. Box 84,New York, NY, 10116 USA
网址:http://www.upholdjustice.org/, http://www.zhuichaguoji.org
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG)
P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116, U.S.A.
Tel: +1-518-869-2352; Fax: +1-347-402-1444
http://www.upholdjustice.org/, https://endorganharvesting.com/